We don’t have dictionaries of slang, but this list of Irish slang words you need to know is the closest you’ll get. If you come to Ireland, I wouldn’t blame you for feeling like an eejit for not knowing what every wee fella and bure is talking about. But don’t worry because you’ve come to … Read more
The post 25 Irish slang words you need to know appeared first on Ireland Before You Die.
Culture, Info, Slang We don’t have dictionaries of slang, but this list of Irish slang words you need to know is the closest you’ll get. If you come to Ireland, I wouldn’t blame you for feeling like an eejit for not knowing what every wee fella and bure is talking about. But don’t worry because you’ve come to … Read more
The post 25 Irish slang words you need to know appeared first on Ireland Before You Die.