Us Irish are known worldwide for having a way with words. Here are the top ten Irish prayers and blessings for friends and family. Anyone who has grown up in Ireland knows how powerful your granny’s prayers and candle lighting can be. To this day, it’s still something we hear regularly; “Ah I’ll light a … Read more
The post Top 10 Irish Prayers and Blessings (friends and family) appeared first on Ireland Before You Die.
Culture, Info, Inspiration, Useful Info Us Irish are known worldwide for having a way with words. Here are the top ten Irish prayers and blessings for friends and family. Anyone who has grown up in Ireland knows how powerful your granny’s prayers and candle lighting can be. To this day, it’s still something we hear regularly; “Ah I’ll light a … Read more
The post Top 10 Irish Prayers and Blessings (friends and family) appeared first on Ireland Before You Die.